Ideachi Kalpana is a Marathi film released on 31 December 2010. Produced and directed by Sachin Pilgaonkar. The movie is a laughter riot revolving around a lie, a lawyer who begins the lie and a whole bunch of people who wants answers.Synopsis
Jayram is a struggling actor who is slated for greatness or at least his sister Jaywanti thinks so. Her husband Manohar is a lawyer and also a fraud. He hasn’t fought a single case in court as he prefers out of court settlements. Jayram is hit by a car driven by Priti whose brother Mahesh Thakur is the commissioner of Police. Since she had taken her brother's car the hit and run case becomes that of the Commissioner. To solve the issue the commissioner comes to the hospital but by then Manohar has decided to sue the owner of the car for 50 lakh rupees.