Ilaignar Ani is a 1994 Tamil drama film directed by K. S. Selvaraj. The film features Radha Ravi in the lead role, with newcomers R. Harish, Ranjeev, Harikumar, Kannan, Prem Raj, Vijayraj and Sivasanth playing supporting roles. The film, produced by Radha Ravi, had musical score by Deva and was released on 7 October 1994.Synopsis
The film begins with the caught of the terrorist Kumar (Vasu Vikram) by ACP Rajarajan (Radha Ravi). Rajarajan investigates on Kumar's possible links, so he meets his room-mates Raja (R. Harish), Balu (Ranjeev), Murali (Harikumar), Devaraj (Kannan), Shankar (Prem Raj), Peter (Vijayraj) and Siva (Sivasanth). Soon, the youngsters clash with the terrorist Kumar who used them wrongly and the local liquor-shop owner (Raviraj).