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Infidelity est un film américain de genre Drame réalisé par David Lowell Rich avec Kirstie Alley

Infidelity (1987)

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Durée 1h35
Réalisé par
Genres Drame,    Romance
Note72% 3.6325553.6325553.6325553.6325553.632555

Infidelity is a 1987 television film directed by David Lowell Rich, and starring Kirstie Alley and Lee Horsley.


A happily married couple, Ellie (Kirstie Alley) and Nick Denato (Lee Horsley) are living in the wildlife of Africa with their young daughter Melissa (Lindsay Parker). Even though they have everything that they had ever wanted there, they return to San Francisco so Nick can focus on his career as a photographer and she can give birth to their second child. Soon, life goes on a downward spiral for the high-powered, two-career couple, as Ellie is not satisfied in their surroundings. She misses her life as a doctor in Africa and suspects that Nick is not faithful to her when Scott's young and attractive assistant Robin (Courtney Thorne-Smith) arrives. When his partner Scott (Robert Englund) convinces Nick to go on a business trip to Nepal for six weeks, she reluctantly accepts the situation.


Kirstie Alley

(Ellie Denato)
Lee Horsley

(Nick Denato)
Robert Englund

Courtney Thorne-Smith

Lindsay Parker

Bande annonce de Infidelity

Bluray, DVD

Streaming / VOD

Source : Wikidata


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