Kiss and Tell is a 2011 Nigerian romantic comedy film, produced by Emem Isong and directed by Desmond Elliot. It stars Monalisa Chinda, Joseph Benjamin, Desmond Elliot, Nse Ikpe Etim, Uche Jombo and Bhaira Mcwizu. Though the film was a commercial success, it was met with mixed to negative reception.
The film revolves around two Casanovas, friends and business partners; Iyke (Joseph Benjamin) and Bernard (Desmond Elliot), and a divorce lawyer, Delphine (Monalisa Chinda), who is a divorcee herself and doesn't want to have anything to do with men again. Bernard strikes a bet with Iyke which involves Iyke having sex with Delphine in ten days or forfeit five percent of his shares to Bernard; if Iyke succeeded, he'd have five percent of Bernard's shares. However, Bernard tells Tena (Nse Ikpe Etim), Delphine's best friend about the bet in order to have an edge, thereby complicating things for Iyke.Synopsis
The film revolves around two Casanovas, friends and business partners; Iyke (Joseph Benjamin) and Bernard (Desmond Elliot), and a divorce lawyer, Delphine (Monalisa Chinda), who is a divorcee herself and doesn't want to have anything to do with men again. Bernard strikes a bet with Iyke which involves Iyke having sex with Delphine in ten days or forfeit five percent of his shares to Bernard; if Iyke succeeded, he'd have five percent of Bernard's shares. However, Bernard tells Tena (Nse Ikpe Etim), Delphine's best friend about the bet in order to have an edge, thereby complicating things for Iyke.