The Flying Saucer is a 1950 independently made American black-and-white science fiction film, written by Howard Irving Young from an original story by Mikel Conrad who also produced, directed, and stars with Pat Garrison and Hantz von Teuffen. The film was distributed in the United States by Film Classics Inc.
The Flying Saucer is the first feature film to deal with the (then) new and hot topic of flying saucers. Flying saucers or alien craft shaped like flying disks or saucers were first identified and given the popular name in 1947 when on June 24, 1947, private pilot Kenneth Arnold reported nine silvery, crescent-shaped objects flying in tight formation. A newspaper reporter coined a snappy tagline: "flying saucers" which captured the public's imagination.It has no relationship and should not be confused with the later Ray Harryhausen science fiction film Earth vs. the Flying Saucers, released by Columbia Pictures.Synopsis
La CIA envoie le playboy Mike Trent en Alaska avec l'agent Vee Langley, se faisant passer pour son «infirmière», pour enquêter sur les observations de soucoupes volantes. Au début, installé dans un pavillon de chasse, les deux jouent dans le désert. Mais alors ils voient une soucoupe. Enquêtant, nos héros se heurtent à une bande inepte d'espions soviétiques, également après le secret de la soucoupe.