The Little Rascals Save The Day (also known as The Little Rascals 2: Save the Day) is a 2014 American direct-to-video comedy film released by Universal Pictures. The film is the second motion picture film succeeding the major 1994 film, and it's an adaptation of Hal Roach's Our Gang, a series of short films of the 1920s, 1930s, and 1940s (many of which were broadcast on television as The Little Rascals) which centered on the adventures of a group of neighborhood children.
With a screenplay by William Robertson and Alex Zamm – who also directed – The Little Rascals Save The Day presents several of the Our Gang characters in an updated setting, and features re-interpretations of several of the original shorts. It is the second of Universal's feature-length Our Gang adaptations, following 1994's theatrical release The Little Rascals.Synopsis
La bande de garnements est prête à tout pour trouver l'argent qui permettrait de sauver la boulangerie de leur grand-mère. Il n'y a qu'un seul problème : tout ce qu'ils touchent tourne à la catastrophe! Toilettages pour chiens désastreux, service de taxi déficient, rien n'y fait, ils ne font pas un sou. Leur dernier espoir est de remporter la bourse du concours amateur du coin... à condition qu'Alfalfa ne chante pas!