Manorama Six Feet Under is a 2007 Indian thriller film directed and co-written by Navdeep Singh. The film features Abhay Deol, Raima Sen and Gul Panag in the lead roles. The film released on 21 September 2007.
The movie is a neo-noir with an amateur detective in a small sleepy town from Rajasthan who finds himself caught in a web of lies, deceit and murder. This movie is based on Chinatown (1974) by Roman Polanski, with the basic premise being similar to the original, despite changes in the representation of characters and some key plot points. In a cinema-noir style, the makers of Manorama Six Feet Under acknowledge the inspiration from the original by playing the sequence where Jack Nicholson's character gets his nose slashed on the main character's (Satyaveer) television.Synopsis
Satyaveer est ingénieur, mais également le fier auteur d'un polar sans succès. Après avoir été suspendu pour une suspicion de pot de vin, il est approché par Manorama, une femme qui soupçonne son mari d'infidélité.