Meat Market is a 2000 Canadian horror film directed and written by Brian Clement, based on a story by Nick Sheehan and Tania Willard. It stars Claire Westby and Paul Pedrosa as survivors of a zombie apocalypse who team up with a masked Mexican wrestler and a trio of vampires. The film was followed by two sequels, Meat Market 2 and Meat Market 3.Synopsis
Ex-bounty hunters Argenta and Shahrokh discover that a wave of murders is the work of zombies. They team up with a trio of female vampires – Nemesis, Valeria, and Tiamat – and a masked Mexican wrestler, El Diablo Azul, against the zombies. Eventually, they learn that the zombies are reanimated by nanobots, which gives the zombies a collective consciousness. In the end, the scientist who created them is killed by his own creations.