Meharun Nisa, also known as Born Forbidden, is an Urdu/Hindi language television drama film. It was written by Zafar Mairaj, directed by Kamran Qureshi and produced by Iram Qureshi.
Meharun Nisa is said to be based on a true story. The main character in the story is Meharun, who was abandoned as a baby. Born as a result of illegal prostitution, she struggles to shake the stigma associated with the circumstances of her birth.
The film was broadcast in 2004 on Indus TV Network in Pakistan & UAE and in 2005 on Zee TV UK & USA as part of film series 'Maa Aur Mamta', which consists of 13 films including Meharun Nisa.Synopsis
While purchasing groceries in the market Yousuf's servant, Qadir (Akbar Subhani), overhears that a newborn baby (Hareem Qureshi) has been abandoned in the midst of piles of rubbish in the market. He hears that the baby has been left there as it is child of a prostitute, and that such a child is left there every one or two months. He is told that it would have been better to have just buried the baby, instead of leaving it there for the animals.