Black Sun: The Nanking Massacre, also called Men Behind the Sun 4, is a 1994 Hong Kong film written and directed by Mou Tun Fei and is in many ways considered to be a follow up to the 1987 shockumentary film, Men Behind the Sun. The movie depicts the events behind the Nanking Massacre committed by the Imperial Japanese army against Chinese citizens and refugees during the Second Sino-Japanese War.
Like Men Behind the Sun, the film was both criticized and praised for its brutal portrayal of the Japanese atrocities, such as the notorious contest to kill 100 people using a sword, during the early and late stages of World War II, but at the same time was questioned over historical accuracy and violence which gave the film a more exploitation feel to it.Synopsis
En 1937, la guerre entre le Japon et la Chine fait rage. L’armée impériale nippone marche sur la capitale Nankin. Alors que l’armée chinoise a battu en retraite et que la majorité de la population a été évacuée, les japonais s’emparent de la ville et y retiennent prisonniers de nombreux habitants restés sur place. Ces derniers vont être sauvagement violés, torturés et assassinés.