Meu Tio Matou um Cara ("My uncle killed a guy" in Portuguese) is a 2004 Brazilian comedy film. It follows the adventures of Duca (Darlan Cunha) and his two friends after his uncle, Eder (Lázaro Ramos), shows up and confesses to his family of having shot a man. However, the 15-year-old Duca suspects that his uncle's story about killing his lover's ex-husband in self defense is not entirely truthful and so sets out to solve the mystery.Synopsis
After Eder shows up and confesses to what he has done, Duca's father (Aílton Graça) calls a his lawyer friend to help Eder prepare his defense. Duca then goes to his long-time friend Isa's house, whom he secretly has feelings for, to tell her about the excitement. Soon after, his other friend Kid (Renan Augusto) arrives as well, and they explain the story to him as well. Duca sees Kid touch Isa's shoulder, though, and becomes jealous so he decides to return home.