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Mother o' Mine est un film américain de genre Drame réalisé par Fred Niblo avec Lloyd Hughes

Mother o' Mine (1921)

Mother o' Mine
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Durée 1h10
Réalisé par
Genres Drame

Mother o' Mine is a 1921 American silent drama film that was directed by Fred Niblo. It written by C. Gardner Sullivan based on the short story “The Octopus” by Charles Belmont Davis. A complete print of the film exists in the Library of Congress.


As described in a film publication, several years earlier Mrs. Sheldon (McDowell) had been deserted by her husband. She brought up her son Robert (Hughes) in the belief that his father was dead. His desire to make good in the city leads his mother to send him to his father, Willard Thatcher (Kilgour). Unknown to him, Robert is now working for his own father, and all goes well until he learns of his father's nefarious financial schemes. They end up fighting, and Willard tells Robert that while he is married to his mother, Robert is not his son. Willard is accidentally killed, and on the evidence of Fan Baxter (Blythe), Willard's woman, Robert is condemned. A last minute forced confession from Fan by Robert's mother saves the day.


Lloyd Hughes

(Robert Sheldon)
Betty Blythe

(Fan Baxter)
Betty Ross Clarke

(Dolly Wilson)
Joseph Kilgour

(Willard Thatcher)
Claire McDowell

(Mrs. Sheldon)
Andrew Arbuckle

(Henry Godfrey)
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Source : Wikidata


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