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Mududida Tavare Aralithu est un film de genre Romance avec Anant Nag

Mududida Tavare Aralithu (1982)

Mududida Tavare Aralithu
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Durée 2h21
Genres Romance

Mududida Tavare Aralithu (Kannada: ಮುದುಡಿದ ತಾವರೆ ಅರಳಿತು) is a 1983 Indian Kannada romantic drama film directed by K. V. Jayaram. It is based on the novel of the same name by Chitralekha. The film starred Ananth Nag, K. S. Ashwath and Lakshmi in the lead roles.

The film was a musical blockbuster with the songs composed by M. Ranga Rao considered evergreen hits.


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