Muita Calma Nessa Hora 2 is a 2014 Brazilian comedy film directed by Felipe Joffily, written by Bruno Mazzeo and Lusa Silvestre, and starring Mazzeo, Marcelo Adnet, Fernanda Souza and Andréia Horta. It is a sequel of the 2010 film Muita Calma Nessa Hora.Synopsis
Three years after the trip to Búzios, four friends meet in Rio de Janeiro. Estrella (Deborah Lamm) just got back from Argentina, Aninha (Fernanda Souza) is uncertain with the appointment of a seer, Tita (Andréia Horta) has returned from Europe in search of a job as photographer, and Mari (Gianne Albertoni) is working on production of a music festival. Together again, they will embark on new adventures.