Partly Cloudy is a Pixar CGI animated short film written and directed by Peter Sohn and produced by Kevin Reher. It was shown in theaters before Pixar's feature film Up and is a special feature on its DVD and Blu-ray release. It was included in the Animation Show of Shows in 2009.
In a CGSociety article, Sohn says his idea for the film came from watching Dumbo as a child: in the movie, a stork delivers Dumbo, leading a young Sohn to wonder where the birds got their babies from. His conclusion was that the babies came from clouds, hence flying animals being needed to deliver them.Synopsis
Toute la journée, les joyeux nuages dans le ciel fabriquent de mignons bébés tout câlins, comme garçons et filles humains, chatons, chiots, et autres créatures, et les donnent à des cigognes pour la livraison aux futurs parents. Cependant une cigogne ne livre pas tout le temps les bébés des espèces les plus mignonnes...Ce court métrage précédait le film la-haut