Perrier's Bounty is an Irish crime thriller comedy set in modern-day Dublin. Describing it as an "urban western", sophomore director Ian Fitzgibbon directed the film, which stars Brendan Gleeson, who plays the villainous title character, as well as Cillian Murphy and Jim Broadbent as son and father.
Filming was completed in late January 2009, and premiered at the 2009 Toronto International Film Festival. It was released in the United Kingdom and Ireland on 26 March 2010.Synopsis
Michael doit de l'argent au plus terrible gangster de Dublin, Darren Perrier, quand sa meilleure amie Brenda tire accidentellement sur un de ses acolytes. Pour ajouter au drame, Jim, le père de Michael arrive juste à temps pour voir la scène. Leurs têtes mises à prix, Michael, Brenda et Jim fuient alors dans les montagnes, avec Perrier et sa bande à leurs trousses.