Radha Kalyanam is a 1981 Telugu drama film written by Mullapudi Venkata Ramana and directed by Bapu. It is considered to be one of the best Telugu movies by critics. It was a remake of a Tamil movie Antha Ezhu Naatkal (Those Seven Days) directed by K. Bhagyaraj.
It was remade in Hindi as Woh Saat Din in 1983 starring Anil Kapoor, Padmini Kolhapure and Naseeruddin Shah.Synopsis
The movie is a triangle love story between the lover, the heroine and her husband. Radha (Raadhika) is a typical girl from a lower-middle-class family. She falls deep in love with the new tenant upstairs Palghat Madhavan (Chandramohan). Madhavan, aspires to be a great music director, but struggles to get by. He is attracted to Radha.