Rajamanikyam is a 2005 Malayalam film, the directorial debut of Anwar Rasheed, written by T. A. Shahid, and starring Mammootty in the title role and Rahman, Manoj K Jayan, Cochin Haneefa, Ranjith, Salim Kumar, Saikumar, Bheeman Raghu, Sindhu Menon, and Padmapriya in supporting roles. The music is composed by Alex Paul with lyrics by Gireesh Puthenchery. The film was produced by Siraj Valiyaveettil under the banner of Valiyaveettil Movie International. It tells the story of Bellary Raja a cattle baron who tries to unite his warring siblings.
The film was remade in Kannada as Bellary Naga (2009) with Vishnuvardhan in lead.Synopsis
In a village in Southern Kerala bordering Tamil Nadu lives a wealthy man named Raja Rathnam Pillai (Saikumar). Following the demise of his first wife, he marries Muthu Lakshmi Ammal so that the child from his marriage will not grow up without the love and care of a mother. Unknown to him, Muthu Lakshmi already has a son, whom she calls by the name Muthu.