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Rônin-gai - Dai-ichi-wa: Utsukushiki emono est un film de genre Drame réalisé par Masahiro Makino

Rônin-gai - Dai-ichi-wa: Utsukushiki emono (1928)

Rônin-gai - Dai-ichi-wa: Utsukushiki emono
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Réalisé par
Genres Drame,    Action
Note64% 3.210793.210793.210793.210793.21079

Roningai (浪人街 第一話、第二話, Roningai Daiichiwa Dainiwa), also known as Samurai Town: Story 1 and Story 2, are respectively 1928 and 1929 black and white Japanese silent films directed by Masahiro Makino. Serving as parts of a 3-part series, the first and second installments are representative films of Masahiro Makino, the son of Shozo Makino (considered the 'father of Japanese film'). These films lent status to ensemble casts and did not rely on famous stars. The film was known for its depiction of the unique setting of the ronin town as well as for the exquisite camera work and fast-paced sword fighting scenes.
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Bluray, DVD

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Source : Wikidata


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Il y a 6 films avec le même réalisateur, 69849 ayant les mêmes genres cinématographiques (dont 7462 ayant exactement les mêmes 2 genres que Rônin-gai - Dai-ichi-wa: Utsukushiki emono), pour avoir au final 70 suggestions de films similaires.

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Note52% 2.62642.62642.62642.62642.6264
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