Scumbag Hustler is a 2014 American dark comedy exploitation film that was written, edited, co-produced, co-directed, starred and cast by Sean Weathers. The film follows the adventures of Soloman Crow, a hustler who's always on the lookout for his next fix, whether it be sex or drugs. The film has several scenes of unsimulated sex and drug use. It was released on November 18, 2014 through Music Video Distributors. The film won the 2015 TLA Entertainment Group Cult Award for best director for Sean Weathers.Synopsis
Soloman Crow (Sean Weathers) is a drug addict roaming the streets of Manhattan looking for marks to con out of their money and pretty women to con into sex. Looking to get off the streets for a while and kick his drug habit, he visits his brother Tyler P. Crow (Waliek Crandall), a god fearing, bible quoting, closeted homosexual. The character is a parody of playwright and filmmaker Tyler Perry. While staying there Soloman wastes little time running his mind games on his brother's wife, Tamia (Sybelle Silverphoenix), and together they concoct a murder plot against Tyler that goes terribly awry.