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Shanghai Bound est un film américain de genre Drame réalisé par Luther Reed avec Richard Dix

Shanghai Bound (1927)

Shanghai Bound
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Durée 1h
Réalisé par
Genres Drame,    Aventure
Note61% 3.067353.067353.067353.067353.06735

Shanghai Bound is a 1927 American adventure silent film directed by Luther Reed and written by John F. Goodrich, Ray Harris, Julian Johnson and E.S. O'Reilly. The film stars Richard Dix, Mary Brian, Charles Byer, George Irving, Jocelyn Lee, Tom Maguire and Frank Chew. The film was released on October 15, 1927, by Paramount Pictures.


Richard Dix

(Jim Bucklin)
Mary Brian

George Irving

Arthur Hoyt

Tetsu Komai

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