Body Troopers (Norwegian: Jakten på nyresteinen), also known as Chasing the Kidneystone, is a 1996 Norwegian Children's film directed by Vibeke Idsøe, starring Torbjörn T. Jensen and Kjersti Holmen. Eight-year-old Simon shrinks himself to microscopic size in order to travel through his ailing grandfather's body in search of a kidney stone. On his journey he meets anthropomorphic characters such as the taste buds, white and red blood cells, and the vocal cords.
The film is based on the book Jakten på nyresteinen, also written by Idsøe.Synopsis
Le grand-père du jeune Simon est très malade. Pour essayer de le sauver, Simon avale une potion magique qui le fait rétrécir à une taille microscopique lui permettant de pénétrer dans son corps. Là, il va rechercher la cause de la maladie du vieil homme. Au cours de son aventure, Simon rencontrera de nombreux personnages hauts en couleur comme la charmante Alvéole ou la redoutable Mme Bile...