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Soldier est un film avec Prosenjit Chatterjee

Soldier (2009)

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Durée 1h48

Soldier is a 2010 Bengali film directed by Dulal Bhowmik.


Prosenjit Chatterjee

(Brig. Sabyasachi Sen)
Soham Chakraborty

Sreelekha Mitra

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Bluray, DVD

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Source : Wikidata


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Genres Drame, Comédie
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Mrs. Binodini Roy, a renowned industrialist, wants to marry off her elder daughter Rupa to her business partner’s son. Rupa is against the marriage and hence she escapes from her house with the help of her father. On the way to one of her uncle’s house, a cabbie tries to rob her belongings. But she is saved by a handsome motor-mechanic named Somu. Somu takes her to her uncle’s house where he turns out to be one of his acquaintances. Gradually, Rupa and Somu come close to each other. One day they have a heated argument; but it’s precisely after this that they realize their love for each other. They make up and even get married secretly without informing Rupa’s mother. Soon, on her father’s request, Rupa returns home. Her mother refuses to acknowledge her marriage; instead she decides to marry her off to her former match. On the day of her marriage, just when Rupa had given up all hope; Somu makes a dramatic entry to take charge of his ‘sasurbari’ (in-laws’ house).
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