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Soldier's Home est un film de genre Drame réalisé par Robert Young avec Henry Fonda

Soldier's Home (1977)

Soldier's Home
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Réalisé par ,    
Genres Drame
Note60% 3.003683.003683.003683.003683.00368

Soldier's Home (Movie) is a 1977 film adaptation of the Ernest Hemingway 1925 short story. It was directed by Robert Young, adapted by Robert Geller, and stars Richard Backus and Nancy Marchand. The musical score is by Dick Hyman.


Soldier's Home is the story of Harold Krebs, who returns from World War I to his home town, and finds challenges in re-entering society.


Henry Fonda

(Self - Series Host (uncredited))
Nancy Marchand

(Mrs. Krebs)
Robert Nichols

(Old Man)
Richard Backus
Bande annonce de Soldier's Home

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Source : Wikidata


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