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Sporting Goods est un film américain de genre Comédie réalisé par Malcolm St. Clair avec Richard Dix

Sporting Goods (1928)

Sporting Goods
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Durée 1h
Réalisé par
Genres Comédie,    Romance

Sporting Goods is a 1928 American comedy silent film directed by Malcolm St. Clair and written by George Marion Jr., Ray Harris and Thomas J. Crizer. The film stars Richard Dix, Ford Sterling, Gertrude Olmstead, Philip Strange, Myrtle Stedman, Wade Boteler and Claude King. The film was released on February 11, 1928, by Paramount Pictures.


Richard Dix

(Richard Shelby)
Ford Sterling

(Mr. Jordan)
Gertrude Olmstead

(Alice Elliott)
Myrtle Stedman

(Mrs. Elliott)
Wade Boteler

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