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The Trouble With Wives est un film américain de genre Comédie réalisé par Malcolm St. Clair avec Florence Vidor

The Trouble With Wives (1925)

The Trouble With Wives
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Durée 1h10
Réalisé par
Genres Comédie

The Trouble with Wives is a 1925 American comedy silent film directed by Malcolm St. Clair and written by Sada Cowan and Howard Higgin. The film stars Florence Vidor, Tom Moore, Esther Ralston, Ford Sterling, Lucy Beaumont and Edgar Kennedy. The film was released on September 28, 1925, by Paramount Pictures.


Florence Vidor

(Grace Hyatt)
Tom Moore

(William Hyatt)
Esther Ralston

Ford Sterling

(Al Hennessey)
Lucy Beaumont

(Grace's Mother)
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