Super K (also known as Kiara the Brave) is a 2011 Indian animated film written by Vibha Singh and Jaspinder S. Kang and directed by Smita Maroo and Vijay S. Bhanushali. The film is produced by Smita Maroo. It was released by Shemaroo Entertainment.
^ "Coming Soon". Shemaroo Entertainment.Synopsis
Dreamzone is a special world in the Galaxy, ruled by the kindhearted King Maximus. Unknown to him, his brother Badmess is plotting to overthrow him. Badmess creates Super K, a boy superhero, using the powers of all the Dreamzonians. But a goof-up causes Super K to turn out a freak, unable to control his powers, and he is deserted by Badmess. Badmess befriends the evil Dr. Ozox, a masked alchemist who has his own sinister plan to take over Dreamzone.