The Bracelet of Bordeaux is a 2009 family mystery film written, produced, and edited by Frank Eakin, and directed by Casey Kelly. This film was the first to be made entirely in The Woodlands, Texas, and was released on May 18, 2009 by Monterey Media in select U.S. theaters.Synopsis
Helen Hixon is a girl who just moved into a new town with her parents, Honey and Lubbock. When Helen first comes to her new house, she finds a girl tied up in her foyer. The girl introduced herself as Marie Meir, and then told the Hixons that her dog had been stolen by a bully named Dirk. After stealing her dog, Marie had confronted Dirk, and he tied her up in the house. Helen and Marie take a liking for each other and become friends. They decide to go after Dirk to rescue Marie's poodle. They find out that Marie's dog is not the only one missing, and pretty soon, Helen's dog Rufus gets stolen by Dirk too.