The Flintstones: On the Rocks is a 2001 made-for-television animated film based on the television series The Flintstones. It debuted on November 3, 2001 on Cartoon Network and was directed by Chris Savino and David Smith. It was dedicated in memory of Flintstones creator and Hanna-Barbera founder William Hanna, who died earlier that year. Since then, the movie has not been released on home video. It has attained something of a cult following among Hanna-Barbera fans. This also marked the last time John Stephenson voiced of Mr. Slate.Synopsis
Several years after the events of the original series, Fred and Wilma's marriage is in serious jeopardy, as Wilma is growing tired of Fred's attitude, especially while Barney and Betty are enjoying a happy life well into their marriage, to the point that a visit to a family therapist results in a physical altercation between Fred and Wilma. On Fred and Wilma's anniversary, which they both forgot, the Rubbles arrange a trip to Rockapulco in an attempt to save the Flintstones' marriage.