The Infidel is a 2010 British comedy film directed by Josh Appignanesi and written by David Baddiel. The film stars Omid Djalili, Richard Schiff, Yigal Naor and Matt Lucas and revolves around a British Muslim who goes through an identity crisis when he discovers he was adopted as a child, having been born to a Jewish family.Synopsis
Mahmud Nasir (Omid Djalili) is a loving husband, doting father and a "relaxed" British Muslim who frequently listens to rock music, particularly the long deceased pop star Gary Page (James Floyd), and occasionally drinks alcohol. His son, Rashid, wishes to get married to Uzma, but he and Uzma need the blessing of her devout Muslim cleric stepfather, Arshad Al-Masri (Yigal Naor), whose actions and beliefs have earned him the contempt of many British Muslims. Mahmud reluctantly agrees to put on the act of devout Muslim for the occasion.