Star Wars: Threads of Destiny is a fan film, created by fans of George Lucas' Star Wars saga. The film takes place after Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi, and explores new adventures in a familiar galaxy.
Compared to the average fan film, Threads of Destiny runs long with a length of 110 minutes, and was relatively inexpensive to make, with a final budget between $5,500 and $6,000. The film was released online on February 23, 2014.
As of October 2015, Threads of Destiny had surpassed almost 7 million views on YouTube, along with tens of thousands of hits at other sites.Synopsis
Ninety-four years after The Battle of Endor and the death of Emperor Palpatine, the New Republic has been resurrected, and democracy once again presides in the galaxy. The Jedi Order is reestablished on the planet Yavin 4, and has continued to train new Jedi Knights in the art of peace and justice. But all is not peaceful in this new world. With the fall of the Galactic Empire, the ancient Skenvi Empire now comes out of the closet.