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Timeless est un film de genre Thriller réalisé par Alexander Tuschinski avec Helmut Berger

Timeless (2016)

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Durée 1h49
Réalisé par
Genres Thriller,    Comédie
Note38% 1.9340051.9340051.9340051.9340051.934005

Timeless is an upcoming German feature film directed by Alexander Tuschinski. Besides many German actors, it stars Helmut Berger
, Harry Lennix, Rick Shapiro, Angus Macfadyen and Zachi Noy. It is scheduled to be released in 2016. Tuschinski considers it to be the final instalment and highlight of his informal Trilogy of Rebellion - three very different films connected by similar thoughts and ideas, each telling an independent story with new characters: Menschenliebe, Break-Up and Timeless.


The film is about a young man, Arnold Richter, who suddenly travels in time from Germany 1932 to a near-future where a new dictatorship rises. There, he gets involved in many different events and adventures, which lead to a full-blown revolution being started.


Helmut Berger

(Professor Martin)
Harry Lennix

Rick Shapiro

(State’s Attorney / Repairman / Secret Agent / Paratrooper)
Angus Macfadyen

(Dr. Meier)
Zachi Noy

Alexander Tuschinski

(Mr. Konstantin)
Bande annonce de Timeless

Bluray, DVD

Streaming / VOD

Source : Wikidata


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