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Under the Gaslight est un film américain de genre Drame réalisé par Lawrence Marston avec Lionel Barrymore

Under the Gaslight (1914)

Under the Gaslight
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Under the Gaslight is a lost 1914 silent film melodrama produced by the Biograph Company, for theatrical impresarios Klaw & Erlanger, and distributed by The General Film Company. It is based on the old Victorian stage melodrama by Augustin Daly popular in the 1860s and 1870s and revived periodically for years afterwards. This film was directed by Lawrence Marston and stars Lionel Barrymore .


Lionel Barrymore

(William Byke)
William Russell

(Ray Trafford)
Hector Sarno

(Snorky (*Hector V. Sarno))
Thomas Jefferson

(Mr. Courtland)
Bande annonce de Under the Gaslight

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Source : Wikidata


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