Worst Friends is an American comedy film, written, produced and directed by Ralph Arend. The film stars Richard Tanne, Noah Barrow, Kristen Connolly, and Cody Horn, with Larry Fessenden, Geoffrey Arend, and Kathryn Erbe and was released on November 4, 2014.
Worst friends has been described as a dark Indie comedy. The film is set in an unnamed New Jersey suburb and focuses around a number of key characters. The film opens explaining the close but troubled friendship of two young boys.
OrigineEtats-Unis GenresDrame, Thriller, Comédie, Comédie horrifique, Horreur ThèmesComédie horrifique ActeursJames LeGros, Joshua Leonard, Amy Seimetz, Megan Hilty, Larry Fessenden Note53% Tout va de mal en pis pour le célèbre chef, Peter Grey. Son émission périclite, son restaurant lui dit au revoir et niveau "vie de famille", c'est pas la joie non plus. L'homme réclame vengeance ! La victime sera JT Franks, autre vedette mais d'un blog culinaire, coupable d'avoir dénigré (et partant, responsable des malheurs de Grey) notre cuistot qui voit rouge...