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Hemant Mishra est un Acteur Indien né le 1 janvier 1960

Hemant Mishra

Hemant Mishra
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Nationalité Inde
Naissance 1 janvier 1960 (64 ans)

Hemant Mishra ( हेमन्त मिश्रा ) was an Indian character actor He is an alumnus of National School of Drama.

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Filmographie de Hemant Mishra (5 films)

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De tout cœur, 2h31
Réalisé par Mani Ratnam
Origine Inde
Genres Drame, Thriller, Action, Musical, Romance
Thèmes Film sur un écrivain, Journalisme, La musique, Sexualité, Le terrorisme, Le viol, Musiques du monde, Musique, Bollywood
Acteurs Shahrukh Khan, Manisha Koirala, Preity Zinta, Jiah Khan, Raghubir Yadav, Zohra Sehgal
Rôle Cameo
Note74% 3.74813.74813.74813.74813.7481
À l'occasion du 50e anniversaire de l'indépendance de l'Inde, Amarkanth Varma (Shahrukh Khan), journaliste d'All India Radio, est envoyé dans les territoires frontaliers pour interroger les populations locales sur l’évolution de leurs conditions de vie. Pendant son trajet, il fait la connaissance d’une femme mystérieuse qui dit s'appeler Meghna (Manisha Koirala). Le temps d'un voyage au Ladakh, en compagnie d'exilés, ils se perdent de vue. Amar décide de rentrer à New Delhi où il s'apprête à épouser Preeti Nair (Preity Zinta), jeune femme moderne et délurée choisie par sa famille. Quand Meghna resurgit, Amar sent qu'elle porte un lourd secret qui l'empêche de l'aimer comme il l'aime. En effet, Meghna a une mission à accomplir : elle fait partie d’un groupe de terroristes et prépare un attentat à Delhi. Habitée par sa mission, elle est également attirée par une autre vie, par l'envie d'être une jeune femme amoureuse. Amar découvre enfin son secret et cherche à empêcher le pire. La course contre la montre commence.
La reine des bandits, 1h59
Réalisé par Shekhar Kapur
Origine Inde
Genres Drame, Erotique, Biographie, Action, Historique, Policier, Western
Thèmes Féminisme, La musique, Politique, Sexualité, Le viol, Erotique, Musique, Rape and revenge, Politique, Bollywood, Auto-justice
Acteurs Seema Biswas, Nirmal Pandey, Aditya Srivastava, Hemant Pandey, Dolly Ahluwalia, Saurabh Shukla
Rôle Policier
Note74% 3.743943.743943.743943.743943.74394
Le 12 février 1983, le hors-la-loi le plus célèbre et le plus redouté de l'Inde se livre à la police. Il s'agit d'une femme, Phoolan Devi (Seema Biswas), surnommée la Reine des Bandits. Née au cœur d'une famille issue de caste inférieure, comment a-t-elle fait, pendant cinq ans pour régner sur le fleuve Chambal et terroriser la caste dirigeante, pour devenir un tel symbole de la révolte et du combat ?
Joshilaay (1989)

Genres Drame, Action, Western
Acteurs Sunny Deol, Anil Kapoor, Meenakshi Seshadri, Prema Narayan, Sridevi, Alok Nath
Rôle Surkhiya
Note56% 2.8084652.8084652.8084652.8084652.808465
The film revolved around two men Dara (Sunny Deol) and Karan (Anil Kapoor). Both were wronged by Jogi Thakur (Rajesh Vivek) and his partner Raja Singh (Kulbhushan Karbandha). Daara was separated from his family and left near a circus where he was brought up and Karan´s family was murdered in front of him. After Jogi and Raja rob a village they are nabbed by the police. In the chase Raja betrays Yogi and hands him over to the police running away with the loot himself.
Ek Ruka Hua Faisla, 1h57
Réalisé par Basu Chatterjee
Genres Drame
Acteurs Pankaj Kapur, K. K. Raina, Annu Kapoor, Hemant Mishra, S.M. Zaheer, M.K. Raina
Rôle Juror #6
Note82% 4.140124.140124.140124.140124.14012
The story begins in a courtroom where a teenage boy from a city slum is on trial for stabbing his father to death. Final closing arguments have been presented, and the judge then instructs the jury to decide whether the boy is guilty of murder. The judge further informs them that a guilty verdict will be accompanied by a mandatory death sentence. The twelve-man jury retires to a private room, where they spend a short while getting acquainted before they begin deliberating. It is immediately apparent that the jurors have already decided that the boy is guilty, and that they plan to return their verdict quickly, without taking time for discussion – with the sole exception of Juror Number 8 (K.K. Raina). His is the only "not guilty" vote in a preliminary tally. He explains that there is too much at stake for him to go along with the verdict without at least talking about it first. His vote annoys the other jurors, particularly Juror 7 (M. K. Raina), who has tickets to Dilip Kumar's movie Mashal.
Massey Sahib, 2h4
Réalisé par Pradip Krishen
Genres Drame
Acteurs Raghubir Yadav, Barry John, Virendra Saxena, Arundhati Roy, Hemant Mishra
Rôle Postman
Note75% 3.7500853.7500853.7500853.7500853.750085
The film is set in 1929, in a small town in Central India. Francis Massey (Raghubir Yadav) is a clerk in the Deputy Commissioner's office in the colonial administration of British India. He aspires to be like the colonial rulers, and thinks of himself as different from his Indian compatriots. In his wish to help the rulers – in particular, his immediate superior, Deputy Commissioner Charles Adam (Barry John) – he adopts methods that are irregular. Adam's dream project of building a road through the forest is stuck for lack of funds. Massey manages to get it completed using a mixture of manipulation, persuasion and threats. To his surprise, he is accused of corruption by the very boss whom he had meant to help, and who had condoned his earlier transgressions. His wife too is forcefully taken back by her family. He turns for help to his friend Banaji (Veerendra Saxena) to get his wife back.Banaji refuses to help him. In an act of frustrated rage, Massey kills Banaji. He is arrested for murder, and Adam advises him to plead guilty to accidental manslaughter. However, Massey refuses, secure in the belief that his Adam Sahib will help him out, leading to the tragic denouement.