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Phillip Adams est un Acteur, Réalisateur, Scénariste, Producteur et Monteur Australien né le 12 juillet 1939 à Maryborough (Australie)

Phillip Adams

Phillip Adams
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Nationalité Australie
Naissance 12 juillet 1939 (84 ans) à Maryborough (Australie)

Philipp Adams est un écrivain, réalisateur, présentateur de télévision, satiriste, chroniqueur et critique social australien.

Il anime notamment, quatre nuits par semaine depuis 1990 sur les ondes australiennes d'ABC, l'émission Late Night Live (LNL). Il signe une rubrique hebdomadaire dans le quotidien national The Australian.

Philip Adams est membre de l'Advisory Board (conseil consultatif) du site lanceur d'alerte WikiLeaks.


Philip Adams est né le 12 juillet 1939, à Maryborough, dans l'État de Victoria en Australie. C'est le fils unique du révérend Charles Adams, pasteur d'une Église congrégationniste.

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Source : Wikidata

Filmographie de Phillip Adams (12 films)

Afficher la filmographie sous forme de liste


Not Quite Hollywood, 1h43
Genres Comédie, Documentaire
Thèmes Documentaire sur le monde des affaires, Documentaire sur le cinéma, Documentaire sur les films
Acteurs Phillip Adams, Christine Amor, Steve Bisley, Glory Annen Clibbery, Jamie Blanks, Graeme Blundell
Rôle Lui-même
Note75% 3.7913253.7913253.7913253.7913253.791325
Alors que le cinéma australien a percé auprès du public international dans les années 1970 grâce à des films d'art et d'essai respectés comme "Picnic at Hanging Rock" de Peter Weir, un nouveau groupe clandestin de réalisateurs de films d'exploitation à petit budget produisait des œuvres beaucoup moins nobles. Le documentariste Mark Hartley explore cette ère de sexe et de violence débridée, avec des extraits de certains des films les plus scandaleux de la scène et des entretiens avec les cinéastes renégats eux-mêmes.
The Getting of Wisdom, 1h41
Réalisé par Bruce Beresford
Genres Drame
Thèmes La musique, Lié à la musique classique, Musique
Acteurs Julia Blake, Terence Donovan, Candida (Candy) Raymond, Barry Humphries, Maggie Kirkpatrick, John Waters
Note63% 3.1880553.1880553.1880553.1880553.188055
Laura Rambotham is sent to attend boarding school in Melbourne at the turn of the century. During her second year she tells everyone about a made up romance between herself and the school's minister, Reverend Shepherd. She forms an attachment with an older girl, Evelyn. When Evelyn leaves, Laura throws herself into her studies and wins the school literary and music prizes.
Le Rafiot héroïque, 1h39
Réalisé par Richard Murphy
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Guerre, Comédie, Comédie dramatique
Thèmes Bidasses, La mer, Transport, Politique, Forces armées des États-Unis
Acteurs Jack Lemmon, Rick Nelson, John Lund, Chips Rafferty, Tom Tully, Joby Baker
Note62% 3.147473.147473.147473.147473.14747
Le lieutenant Rip Grandall hérite d'une mission: il doit, en 1943, conduire un bateau d'Australie en Nouvelle Guinée. Le rafiot ne paie pas de mine, mais Rip parvient à s'acquitter de sa mission. Au moment de prendre l'avion pour le retour, il apprend, stupéfait, qu'une autre mission a été confiée a son remplaçant avec le même rafiot.


Jack and Jill: A Postscript, 1h7
Réalisé par Phillip Adams
Genres Drame
Note70% 3.539463.539463.539463.539463.53946
Jill, a kindergarten teacher who lives with her parents, meets Jack, a biker. The two fall in love but are unable to reconcile their differences, with tragic results.


Jack and Jill: A Postscript, 1h7
Réalisé par Phillip Adams
Genres Drame
Note70% 3.539463.539463.539463.539463.53946
Jill, a kindergarten teacher who lives with her parents, meets Jack, a biker. The two fall in love but are unable to reconcile their differences, with tragic results.


Lonely Hearts, 1h35
Réalisé par Paul Cox
Genres Drame, Comédie, Romance
Acteurs Wendy Hughes, Norman Kaye, Jon Finlayson, Chris Haywood, Julia Blake, Jonathan Hardy
Rôle Producteur exécutif
Note67% 3.383353.383353.383353.383353.38335
A middle-aged man, Peter, goes to a dating agency in search of a companion. He is introduced to a shy bank clerk Patricia.
We of the Never Never, 2h14
Genres Drame, Western
Thèmes La mer, Transport
Acteurs John Jarratt, Tony Barry, Arthur Dignam, Lewis Fitz-Gerald, Danny Adcock
Rôle Producteur exécutif
Note68% 3.4295453.4295453.4295453.4295453.429545
The film focusses on the life of Jeannie, a woman from the upper classes of society, and her story of adapting to life in the outback of Australia. Following her marriage to Aeneas Gunn who has just bought a 1 million acre cattle station near Mataranka, called Elsey Station, Jeannie follows him from Melbourne in 1902. Some of the drovers were unhappy at first because they believed that the bush is no place for a white woman. As such, they were both wary of her and made fun of her when both her and her husband arrived. However, Jeannie was determined to prove them wrong.
Grendel Grendel Grendel, 1h28
Genres Fantasy, Animation
Thèmes La mer, Mythologie, Transport, Mise en scène des vikings, Mythologie nordique
Acteurs Peter Ustinov, Keith Michell, Arthur Dignam, Ernie Bourne, Colin McEwan
Rôle Producteur
Note67% 3.362883.362883.362883.362883.36288
Initially narrated by the titular character through a flashback, Grendel (Peter Ustinov), the "Great Boogey", recounts how he first left his cave as a child and encountered the Danish King Hrothgar (Ed Rosser) and his thanes. After being rescued by his mother, Grendel pondered over the similarities he shared with the Danes, yet lamented on their not being able to understand his language. He watched as Hrothgar's power and wealth grew, disgusted at his excesses and the royal Shaper's (Keith Michell) revision of history, presenting the king's underhanded and brutal achievements as glorious victories. Desperate to find meaning in life, Grendel encountered the dragon (Arthur Dignam), who informed Grendel that his sole purpose in life is to terrify humanity, thus stimulating human imagination and encouraging social cohesion.
The Getting of Wisdom, 1h41
Réalisé par Bruce Beresford
Genres Drame
Thèmes La musique, Lié à la musique classique, Musique
Acteurs Julia Blake, Terence Donovan, Candida (Candy) Raymond, Barry Humphries, Maggie Kirkpatrick, John Waters
Rôle Producteur
Note63% 3.1880553.1880553.1880553.1880553.188055
Laura Rambotham is sent to attend boarding school in Melbourne at the turn of the century. During her second year she tells everyone about a made up romance between herself and the school's minister, Reverend Shepherd. She forms an attachment with an older girl, Evelyn. When Evelyn leaves, Laura throws herself into her studies and wins the school literary and music prizes.
The Adventures of Barry McKenzie, 1h54
Réalisé par Bruce Beresford
Genres Comédie
Acteurs Barry Crocker, Peter Cook, Barry Humphries, Spike Milligan, Dennis Price, Christopher Malcolm
Rôle Producteur
Note56% 2.848652.848652.848652.848652.84865
Barry 'Bazza' McKenzie (Barry Crocker) travels to England with his aunt Edna Everage (Barry Humphries) to advance his cultural education. Bazza is a young Aussie fond of beer, Bondi and beautiful 'sheilas'. He settles in Earls Court, where his old friend Curly (Paul Bertram) has a flat. He gets drunk, is ripped off, insulted by pretentious Englishmen and exploited by record producers, religious charlatans and a BBC television producer (Peter Cook). He reluctantly leaves England under the orders of his aunt, after exposing himself on television. His final words on the plane home are, "I was just starting to like the Poms!".
Jack and Jill: A Postscript, 1h7
Réalisé par Phillip Adams
Genres Drame
Rôle Producteur
Note70% 3.539463.539463.539463.539463.53946
Jill, a kindergarten teacher who lives with her parents, meets Jack, a biker. The two fall in love but are unable to reconcile their differences, with tragic results.
The Naked Bunyip, 2h16
Genres Documentaire
Acteurs Graeme Blundell, Barry Humphries, Jacki Weaver
Rôle Producteur exécutif
Note56% 2.842352.842352.842352.842352.84235
The Naked Bunyip is a sex documentary and a blend of fact and fiction; "[it] incorporates the fictionalizing of the 'real' that had been a feature of tendencies in French 'new wave' and the American avant-garde narrative cinema." Graeme Blundell plays a shy young man who works for an ad agency, and the agency hires him to survey about sex in Australia. The film consists of "unrehearsed and unscripted" interviews as Blundell's character investigates a variety of sexual experiences, all except for the "normal" heterosexual experience.