Strawberry Shortcake is dreaming of a world filled with berry plants that she and her friends can share. But when the Peculiar Pie Man comes to Strawberry Land, her dreams and friendships begin dying, leading to a crop whose stock has been devoured by "Berry Birds". After arranging a sleepover with her friends, Strawberry and the rest travel to the Land of Dreams on a Dreamboat that Ginger Snap has built, in order to stop the Pie Man from taking over their residence.
Alors que l'inspecteur Gadget a quelques soucis techniques, il fait un jour la connaissance de G2, son homologue féminin. Parallèlement, il doit se lancer sur la piste du Dr Mad, récemment évadé de prison.
When a trio of cheerleaders gets zapped by a jolt of electricity while at a local hairdresser, a lot more changes than their hair style. Endowed with their superpowers like X-ray vision, Super Strength and the ability to Fly; cheerleaders Chrissy, Ping and Mackenzie soon finds themselves with a responsibility greater than winning the cheerleading competition—thwarting the evil Dr. Nightingale's plans for total world domination. As the trio explores their new found powers, they learn the value of teamwork and perseverance. The Groove Squad Girls may be stereo typically obsessed with their looks and popularity, but like Kim Possible, the group quickly proves to be an athletic group of women serious about the sport of cheering and responsibility to society. Popular teen lingo pervades this feature-length presentation that's packed with humorous detail like flower power hippies, a fully equipped car à la James Bond, and a character who sounds like Austin Powers and Officer Tom Hanson.
Frank, Drac et Loup Garou ne font plus peur depuis bien longtemps. Convoqués devant le tribunal de l'épouvante : ils ont 24 heures pour effrayer une famille ou ils seront bannis à jamais. Y parviendront-ils ?
John Brown, simple gardien de parking des laboratoires Bradford (Riverton, Ohio) rêve en secret de conquérir le cœur de Brenda, la fille du professeur Artemus Bradford.
Miles (Robert Ri'chard) is a wisecracking African American boy who is an avid fan of sports, particularly baseball icon Hank Aaron, but is failing at school. His teacher Miss Clark (Susan Sarandon) threatens Miles that she will make him repeat 6th grade should his grades not improve. He and his class, including his friends, two Caucasian boys Randy (Lucas Black) and Kyle (Zachary Leigh) and a Latino girl Maria (Jessica Garcia), visit a museum, dedicated to Martin Luther King, Jr.. Randy and Miles explore Martin's bedroom, and are caught by the museum's curator Mrs. Peck (Whoopi Goldberg), who winds up an old watch. The boys hold Martin's baseball glove and the two are transported back to 1941 and encounter a 12-year-old Martin (Theodore Borders) playing with his friends, Sam (Adam Wylie) and Skip Dale, until their mother (Ashley Judd) arrives and reprimands her sons for integrating with the "coloreds". Martin explains to Miles and Randy that Mrs. Dale's hatred of black people stems from the fact she regards them as "different", but violence would only worsen things.
On a rainy day, Heathcliff (Mel Blanc) recalls his past exploits to his three nephews (and a mouse), through a compilation of episodes originally broadcast on the TV series.
A boy named Peter, his sister Mary Ann, and his Jewish classmate Sauli are students of the All Nations School. One day at the school, bullies pick on Sauli and throw his yarmulke away. While trying to get it, Sauli accidentally knocks over a box that Mary Ann is keeping her pet bird in. Thinking he has killed it, he feels worried when the children reach home.
Les parents d'Henry sont perdus en Afrique, il doit donc vivre avec son oncle Auguste avide et sans coeur. Dans les crevasses de la maison vivent des créatures semblables à des elfes. Mais August projette de démolir sa maison pour construire un centre commercial.
Dans la petite ville de Greendale vit Sabrina Spellman, une adolescente de 12 ans presque comme les autres : elle est moitié humaine du côté de sa mère et moitié sorcière du côté de son père, d'où son statut d'apprentie sorcière. Elle vit avec ses deux tantes et son oncle. Accompagnée de ses amis Chloé et Harvey, et de son drôle de chat Salem, Sabrina se retrouve souvent embarquée dans des situations délirantes et comiques. Heureusement, la magie est là pour l'aider !