1915 is a 2015 psychological thriller film co-written and directed by Garin Hovannisian and Alec Mouhibian. It is produced by Hovannisian and Mouhibian with Terry Leonard, and stars Simon Abkarian, Angela Sarafyan, Samuel Page, and Nikolai Kinski. 1915 follows a mysterious theater director in present-day Los Angeles as he tries to bring the ghosts of a forgotten genocide back to life. The film refers to the Armenian Genocide, which is denied by the Turkish government to this day.Synopsis
Exactly a century after the Armenian Genocide committed in Ottoman Turkey, a mysterious director (Simon Abkarian) is staging a play at the Los Angeles Theatre to honor the victims of that tragedy. Because of the controversial theme of the performance, protesters surround the theater and series of strange accidents spread panic among his producer (Jim Piddock) and actors (Angela Sarafyan, Sam Page, Nikolai Kinski), it appears that the director’s mission is profoundly dangerous, and the ghosts of the past are everywhere.