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A Virgem e o Machão est un film brésilien de genre Drame réalisé par José Mojica Marins

A Virgem e o Machão (1974)

A Virgem e o Machão
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Durée 1h30
Réalisé par
Genres Drame,    Comédie,    Comédie érotique,    Pornographique
Note49% 2.47382.47382.47382.47382.4738

The Virgin and the Macho Man (Portuguese: A Virgem e o Machão) is a 1974 Brazilian sex comedy film directed by José Mojica Marins under the pseudonym J. Avelar. It is also Marins' first film in the pornochanchada genre.


Two doctors are called to work at a city hospital, and soon attract the attention of all the local women. When their wives discover a sexual bet has been made between their husbands and a stranger, they decide to retaliate and call the macho man for a holiday in a country house.

Source : Wikidata


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24 horas de Sexo Explícito, 1h17
Réalisé par José Mojica Marins
Origine Bresil
Genres Drame, Comédie, Pornographique
Thèmes Sexualité, Erotique, Sexploitation
Note65% 3.254473.254473.254473.254473.25447
. Three men make a wager on which one will have sex with more women in a period of 24 hours. They hire an obese and flamboyant gay man to be the judge and keep tally. They get 7 "ugly" women for the challenge. One man comments to another that "these women look like something from a Coffin Joe movie". The men gather them at a beach house and the competition begins. One man decides to quit the competition and return home to his wife (veteran Brazilian porn actress Vânia Bournier), whom he finds having sexual intercourse with "Jack", their German Shepherd dog, in Brazil's first scene of cinematic zoophilia. Her husband takes revenge by leaving her to romance a talking male horse, whom the man persuades to penetrate her in the rear-end. Most sexual events are narrated and critiqued by a caged parrot.
Finis Hominis, 1h19
Réalisé par José Mojica Marins
Origine Bresil
Genres Drame, Comédie, Fantasy, Horreur
Acteurs José Mojica Marins
Note57% 2.858852.858852.858852.858852.85885
An mysterious man (Marins) emerges naked from the ocean and proceeds to affect the lives of townspeople, the country, then the world.
A Quinta Dimensão do Sexo, 1h21
Réalisé par José Mojica Marins
Origine Bresil
Genres Comédie, Aventure, Policier, Pornographique
Thèmes Sexualité, Erotique, Sexploitation, Homosexualité, LGBT, LGBT
Acteurs José Mojica Marins
Note52% 2.6348052.6348052.6348052.6348052.634805
Two chemistry students, Paulo and Norberto are ridiculed by their classmates, as it is rumored that they are impotent. They work together to develop a formula that turns them into crazed sex maniacs, and begin kidnapping women on the streets and raping them. The series of sex crimes soon leads to a police chase, and the two men discover that they are in love with each other.
A Sina do Aventureiro, 1h28
Réalisé par José Mojica Marins
Origine Bresil
Genres Drame, Western
Acteurs José Mojica Marins
Note71% 3.567153.567153.567153.567153.56715
After running away from a shoot out, the outlaw Jaime falls to the edge of a river, where he is helped by two beautiful young women. He becomes involved romantically with Dorinha, daughter of a farmer and, because of his love for her, kills her father. When escaping the arrest, Jaime has to face Xavier, a bloodthirsty outlaw who plans to avenge the father of Dorinha. Marins appears as Gregorio, a gunman of the flock of Xavier. Marins also wrote the lyrics of the ten songs of the soundtrack. In 1964, the film was relaunched with an extra dose of sex, having included a new scenes with about ten minutes in the brothel.
Como Consolar Viúvas, 1h33
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Origine Bresil
Genres Comédie
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A bankrupt playboy makes a plan to obtain money. He reads in the news about the death of three wealthy married rich men who die in a plane crash. Disguised as a ghost, that night he visits the three widows. Scared, they not only give him money, but also consent to having sex with him.
Meu Destino em Tuas Mãos, 1h20
Réalisé par José Mojica Marins
Origine Bresil
Genres Drame, Comédie musicale, Musical, Western
Acteurs José Mojica Marins
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A husband comes home drunk and beats his wife. His son Carlito tries to defend his mother with a broomstick. The father turns to the boy menacingly and threatens "I'll kill you!". Terrified, the boy flees with four other young children, all poor and suffering abuse and exploitation at home by their families. The children try to live and survive life on the streets on the outskirts of São Paulo.
48 Horas de Sexo Alucinante, 1h39
Réalisé par José Mojica Marins
Origine Bresil
Genres Comédie
Acteurs José Mojica Marins
Note55% 2.7621252.7621252.7621252.7621252.762125
In the film (as well as its two predecessors), Marins exploited Brazil's then loosening restrictions on nudity in film in order to produce an alternate sort of pornography which presents physical sexuality with bizarre and often repulsive imagery, generally depicting characters which are carrying out some type of test, contest, or experiment.
L'éveil de la bête, 1h33
Réalisé par José Mojica Marins
Origine Bresil
Genres Drame, Documentaire, Horreur
Acteurs José Mojica Marins, Ítala Nandi, Sérgio Hingst, Maurice Capovila, Othon Bastos
Note58% 2.9434152.9434152.9434152.9434152.943415
Le fossoyeur Zé do Caixão, surnommé `Coffin Joe', est désormais au centre de débats de journalistes et scientifiques. Un psychiatre pense que l'utilisation de la drogue est la principale cause des problèmes dans le comportement violent des individus. Selon lui, n'importe quelle personne pourrait agir ainsi sous l'influence de substances chimiques. Il compte bien prouver ses propos en passant à l'action. C'est le début d'une étrange et terrible expérience.
God's Sentence
Réalisé par José Mojica Marins
Origine Bresil
Genres Western
Acteurs José Mojica Marins

Antonio, desperate man who cannot maintain a job to support his mother, Dona Lídia, and his sister Marta, after his father, a banker and patriarchal head of the family, is killed. Later, he boards a group of criminals who plan a robbery and they want and him to be the driver.