Angels is a 2014 Indian Malayalam social thriller film and the directorial debut of Jean Markose. The film stars an ensemble cast consisting of Indrajith, Asha Sarath, Joy Mathew, Prem Prakash, Parvathy Menon, Baiju and Dinesh Panicker. Story and screenplay were written by Jean Markose and Toni Tomy, dialogues were co-written by Shabu Kilithatil. It is a rip-off from the South Korean film Confession of Murder (2012). This film is a Moderated Success and Hit.Synopsis
Hameem Haider (Indrajith) is a brilliant police officer in the Special Armed Police Department. He does his work efficiently but is an egoist to some extent. Due to external pressures, he is forced to step aside from a case he has been dealing with. He is offended by this and wants to take revenge on those behind forcing his recusal.