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Babul est un film de genre Drame avec Dilip Kumar

Babul (1950)

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Durée 2h22
Genres Drame
Note72% 3.632443.632443.632443.632443.63244

Babul (Hindi: बाबुल, Urdu: بابُل) or (Father's House) is a 1950 Bollywood film directed by S.U. Sunny produced and with music direction by Naushad. The film stars Dilip Kumar, Munawar Sultana and Nargis. A box-office success, the film became the second highest earning film of 1950, earning an approximate gross of Rs. 1,25,00,000 and a nett gross of Rs. 70,00,000.


Ashok hails from a wealthy family and has a job as a postmaster, but it is clear that his job requires little hard labor, aside from sending an occasional telegram, leaving him time to enjoy his comforts cigarettes, painting and song writing . A girl named Bela, the poor and simple daughter of the former postmaster woos for his affections and is supported by her poor father who wants her married. Bela prepares Ashok's meals, teases and amuses him, and imagines of a happy marriage with Ashok who likes her but is not in love with her.


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