Beat the Drum, written and produced by W. David McBrayer and directed by David Hickson, is an award-winning South African film starring Clive Scott and Owen Sejake.
Premiering at the 2003 Mill Valley Film Festival, Beat The Drum won 30 international film festival awards, including the prestigious Montreal Zenith D'Or and the Monaco International Film Festival Angel Award, the festival's top honor. The film also won Best Picture, Best Director (David Hickson), Best Supporting Actor (Owen Sejake), Best Actor (Junior Singo), Best Music (Klaus Badelt and Ramin Djawadi) and several Audience Awards.
McBrayer has said that he wrote Beat The Drum to "help give a voice to the voiceless. I simply wanted to be an honest witness to the plight of these kids. When there is a tear in the human fabric we should all feel it.Synopsis
Le jeune Musa est orphelin après qu'une mystérieuse maladie frappe son village du KwaZulu Natal. Pour aider sa grand-mère, Musa part pour Johannesburg avec le dernier cadeau de son père, un tambour tribal, à la recherche de travail et de son oncle. Le voyage le confronte aux dures réalités de la vie urbaine, mais son esprit indomptable ne vacille jamais; il revient avec une vérité et la compréhension que ses aînés n'ont pas su saisir.