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Bhai Jaan (1945)

Bhai Jaan
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Bhai Jaan is a Bollywood film. It was released on 15 September 1945 in Bombay. Directed by Syed Khalil. The actors were Karan Dewan, Noor Jehan, Anees Khatoon, Meena Shorey, Shah Nawaz, Ansari and Nazir. It was a family drama, made under a banner of United Films. The print has been lost now. 1945.

The film a Muslim social family drama, is about two brothers (Shah Nawaz and Karan Dewan) in love with a dancing girl (Noor Jehan), which disrupts their family life. It leads to the girl consuming poison in order to maintain the respectability of the brothers' family name.


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Acteurs Pradeep Kumar, Bina Rai, Noor Jehan, Kuldip Kaur, Sulochana, Manmohan Krishna Chadha
Note70% 3.543123.543123.543123.543123.54312
Shahenshah Jalaudin Akbar is the grandson of Babur, and the son of Humayun. He is known to have ruled over Hindustan with a humane and just heart. He knew in order to garner the support of the Hindus, he must treat them sensitively, allow them to worship freely, and in order to maintain this peace, he married Jodabai, a Hindu Rajput, the sister of Raja Man Singh. Through this marriage they became the proud parents of Shehzada Salim. Akbar first met Nadira in the Anar garden, while she was awaiting the arrival of her lover. So pleased he was with her that he wanted to reward her, but she only asked for an Anar, so he ended up bestowing her with the name of 'Anarkali'. He met her the second time when she was able to revive Salim, who was seriously wounded in a war in Kabul. Once again Akbar was pleased with her, wanted to reward her, but again she turned him down. The third time she ended up annoying Akbar when she sang and danced in his court under the influence of alcohol, and he has her imprisoned. The very foundations of Akbar's palace will be shaken to the roots, and his manner of meting out justice will be put to the extreme test, when he finds out that Salim is in love with Anarkali and wants to marry her.