Blue Oranges is a 2009 Bollywood film produced by S M Ferozeuddin Alameer under the Khussro Films banner and directed by Rajesh Ganguly. The film features Rajit Kapur, Rati Agnihotri, Harsh Chhaya, and Aham Sharma in key roles.Synopsis
The film is a crime, suspense thriller where Rajit Kapur plays the role of the detective Nilesh. Nilesh has to investigate the murder of a rich alcoholic woman (Pooja Kanwal). He investigates a bunch of suspects such as the murdered woman’s ex-lover (Aham Sharma), the tenant's son, a rich-brat who gave the woman a lift and the police commissioner's own brother (Harsh Chhaya) who had befriended her, before arriving at the truth. The film is shot in a flashback-and-forth mode of storytelling.