Crossing (also known as Keurosing) is a 2008 South Korean film directed by Kim Tae-kyun. It has been selected as South Korea's submission to the 81st Academy Awards for Best Foreign Language Film. The film follows the journey of a North Korean man as he illegally leaves the country to find medicine for his sick wife, portraying the many hardships of the average North Korean citizen. The film had 907,255 admissions in South Korea.
The politics of North Korea in this film are left behind and are mainly in the background. Instead it concentrates more on the life of the average North Korean, such as the hardship in an impoverished state and the fear of getting caught and being persecuted in North Korea. Subtle themes include religion, which runs through the film, as Yong Soo hopes that his son comes back safely, as well as football which is a way in connecting the North Koreans to the outside world.Synopsis
Kim Yong-Soo est un ancien joueur de football qui vit dans un petit village de mineurs en Corée du Nord avec sa femme et son jeune fils, Joon. Bien que vivant dans une extrême pauvreté comme beaucoup d'autres familles en Corée du Nord, la famille est heureuse d'être simplement ensemble. Un jour, la femme de Yong-soo, enceinte, tombe gravement malade. En l'absence de médicaments en Corée du Nord. Il décide donc de passer secrètement la frontière sino-coréenne dans l'espoir de trouver des médicaments pour sa femme.