Dil Diya Dard Liya is a 1966 Hindi film based upon Emily Brontë's celebrated novel Wuthering Heights. The film is directed by Abdul Rashid Kardar and Dilip Kumar. The film stars Dilip Kumar, Waheeda Rehman, Pran, Rehman, Shyama and Johnny Walker. The music is by Naushad. The songs include "koi sagar dil ko bahalata nahin", "phir teri kahani yaad aayi", "guzare hain aaj ishq mein", "dilruba maine tere pyar mein".Synopsis
A kind-hearted, widowed landlord, Thakur, lives a wealthy lifestyle with his son, Ramesh; daughter, Roopa; and an adopted child, Shankar. Ramesh hates Shankar and often abuses him.