The Chumscrubber is a 2005 American-German comedy-drama film, directed by Arie Posin, starring an ensemble cast led by Jamie Bell. The plot, written by Posin and Zac Stanford, focuses on the chain of events that follow the suicide of a teenage drug dealer in an idealistic but superficial town. Some of the themes addressed in the film are the lack of communication between teenagers and their parents and the inauthenticity of suburbia. The titular Chumscrubber is a character in a fictional video game that represents the town and its inhabitants.
Posin and Stanford had originally planned to shoot the film using their own funds, but they sent the script to producers Lawrence Bender and Bonnie Curtis who agreed to produce the film and help to raise the budget. Bell was cast in the lead role after an extensive auditioning process, and the film was shot in various California locations over 30 days in April 2004.
The Chumscrubber premiered at the Sundance Film Festival on January 25, 2005 and was released theatrically on August 26, 2005. An accompanying soundtrack, composed mostly by James Horner, was released on October 18, 2005. The film was both a critical and commercial failure, receiving mostly negative reviews and earning back only US$350,000 of its $10 million budget.Synopsis
Lorsque Dean Stiffle découvre le corps de son meilleur ami, Troy pendu dans sa chambre, il choisit de ne le dire à aucun des parents. Il pense que toute cette petite communauté de voisins, si confortablement installée dans une banlieue fleurie, préférerait ne pas le savoir. Mais, la disparition de Troy ne passera pas inaperçue, ce dernier étant le fournisseur de drogue du lycée...