Girls Will Be Girls is a 2003 comedy film written and directed by Richard Day. Starring Jack Plotnick, Clinton Leupp and Jeffery Roberson as three actresses at various places in their careers, the film is a parody of Hollywood-related movies like Sunset Boulevard, All About Eve, What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?, Mommie Dearest and Valley of the Dolls.Synopsis
Evie Harris (Jack Plotnick) is a washed-up, alcoholic, aging C-List actress (star of kinescope, stage, television, and film in such works as the TV special Christmas Evie, vaudeville-era appearances promoting 'Dr. Vim's Miracle Elixir,' Court TV: Celebrities Who Kill, Tabitha and the sad 1970s disaster epic Asteroid [tagline: 'Earth Might Get Crushed!']). She lives in a tackily out-of-style bungalow with Coco (Clinton Leupp), a homely, lonely, doormat of a spinster who carries a torch for the handsome young doctor who performed her abortion years ago.