Gopi – Goda Meedha Pilli is a Tollywood Telugu comedy film, produced by Polisetti Rambabu & Palli Kesava Rao on RS Films, directed by Janardhana Maharshi. Starring Allari Naresh, Jagapathi Babu, Aarti Chhabria and Gowri Munjal in lead roles and music composed by Koti. The film recorded as Super Hit at box office.Synopsis
Gopi is a story followed avidly by Lord Vishnu (Suresh) and Goddess Lakshmi (Rambha), who intervenes every once in a while with his observations. If it's true that the whole universe resides in Vishnu, then the makers of this one already have the largest possible audience, without needing to rely on the material world. Good for them, since in this illusory world of ours that look tough.