Hide and Creep is an American horror/comedy film released in 2004. This film was based on an earlier short named "Birthday Call". Both the film and the short were directed by Chuck Hartsell and Chance Shirley, and were written by Chance Shirley. The film was produced by Crewless Productions, an Alabama based independent production company. Hide and Creep had its world premiere September 23, 2004 at the Sidewalk Moving Picture Festival in Birmingham, Alabama.Synopsis
A southern town is simultaneously attacked by a UFO and zombies (a reference to Plan 9 from Outer Space, although it is unclear whether or not the two are related or coincidental in this film). A government agent (played by John Walker) parachutes in to investigate reports of UFO sightings. Upon arriving, he finds zombies springing from the graveyard. He is killed by one of them (this zombie virus is contagious, spread by biting). From here, the movie splits into four main stories.